🎸Trench (Country Edition)

read time: 1.37 mins

Howdy, its the trench. The only newsletter that’s like the opposite of a safety meeting. With us, you don’t have to pencil whip your attendance.

Here's what we drummed up for ya:

  • Country might be back

  • Ironworker Q&A

Now a finger lickin’ good meme

Check this out- so Im sitting on the couch, 20k steps deep from slaving around the house and fire up the flat screen expecting to jump back on my phone.

Then, out of nowhere, I find stage coach is livestreaming and fucking Ryan Bingham is LIVE. He throws absolute fire and next thing I know Im watching Turnpike come on stage to BURN IT DOWN. I literally thought the comeback was a joke and they were dead. Never thought i’d say it but here we go boys….Country is BACK.

-The Captain

🤘 Banger of the week 🤘

Turnpike Troubadours - Stagecoach 2023


things to bring up at the break table to be “the cool one

Remember: “with great coolness, comes great responsibility”

Featured Trenchonian

This guy is what Blue Collar is all about!

I'm not joking, this guy oozes passion, each sentence is shot out of canon and ends with a smirk and a head nod that invites you to know more. He spoke with such high regard for what he does and I got the sense that this trade is what gets him out of bed in the morning.

I mean seriously, he had me looking in the mirror and asking myself "Do you even work Bro?"

I'm still trying to answer that question...

Without further Ado, I give you Ironworker: Dillon Boyd

Coming next week: Anothony Ivaldi, Ironworker, San Francisco

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