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Ready to claim your piece of the action?

The game-changing digital membership that's designed exclusively for you...

Howdy my fellow Trenchonians,

We’ve got some big news for you on this fine payday. No it's not another paycheck but it's as close as we could come to that.

The Blue Collar Card is HERE

There's AARP for old people, AAA for flat tires, Amex Black for rich people, and a million others.

But there isn't anything for blue collar workers. There isn't anything for those that lace up their boots each and every day. There isn't anything for the men and women that build this great country.

Let me be clear, this isn't for those in the cubicle looking to save money on a new shirt because they spilled a latte on the last one. This is for things you actually buy-work gear, truck stuff, tools and much more. Best part is it’s only getting started. Fuel, insurance, and much more is right behind it to keep the money in the wallet.

So check it out at the link below and jump on board. This train is just getting started.