🏗Highway to Hell

Read time: 1.54 min

Howdy, its the trench. We’re like the Big Gulp of newsletters. with us, you can always come back and get a refill.

Lets get right into it!

Now a finger lickin’ good meme

This one goes out to the highway men (and ladies). I’ve never worked the highway but I gotta say- they must be the most hated group of working hands out there.

Just think of every cube monkey working out there, after a day of corporate sanctioned silence and repetitive task max depletion, the first glimmering hope of relief is screaming UGHGHHH when they run into gridlock traffic from local expansion project.

I’m gonna flip the script on ya as should every desk jockey out there and say- appreciate the hard work. It can’t be easy trying to do your job with 2 ton speed missiles flying by every split second, one accident at work and Id probably have PTSD just watching Fast and the Furious (huge fan here). Believe it or not, if you don’t work on the roads, they turn out like the state of Louisiana. Close your eyes (for a sec) on just about any LA highway and you’ll think your on the red dirt road (Brooks and Dunn voice of course)

So lesson of the day…

F the Cube

Work on the highway? I want to here your craziest jobsite story

-The Captain

PS- yea we forgot to press the send button last week, help us make up for it by sending to a podnuh.


bring these up to be “the cool one

Liar, Liar, pants on fire: Watch someone blow a laundromat up on accident 👉CLICK

Ispy: ChatGPT head honcho says “AI will either take over the world or make tons of money” (Prolly both) 👉CLICK

Not Funny: Think your job sucks? Check what this company did to their employees….during a strike 👉CLICK

Don’t mess with Texas: What happens when you brag about stealing from the Cartel? 👉CLICK

Commyfornia: Los Angeles strategy for “annoying” homeless out of town 👉CLICK

Babyshark: Two guards disiplined for using a childs song to punish prisoners 👉CLICK

Remember: “with great coolness, comes great responsibility”

In case you missed it

Its about how to save some cash on your mortgage.

Might be worth the read to cut about 6 years off your total 30 year mortgage.

🤘Banger of the week🤘

The Highwaymen - Highwayman

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