10ft and 9 leaks later ...

young, dumb and living the plant life

10ft and 9 leaks later ...

Welp, holiday is over….think we can all agree it was much needed and earned.

My 4th of July story goes back a few years to my wilder days. Being young, dumb, and living that plant life-I bought my first house with the shittest liver-shaped liner pool known to man. I don't think I even walked inside before I bought it, just walked straight to the backyard to see that sparkling, crystal clear water, and instantly started dreaming of the ragers to unfold on my days off.

I was sold-I signed the papers and just like that, 100x my debt in the blink of an eye. I was on cloud nine and didn't even realize it was 10 ft deep and had about 9 leaks in it (water bill was insane). It took up about 3/4 of the backyard, with no stairs, and was a borderline death trap.

Next, I quickly came to find out that sparkling clear water was a result of paying a pool guy, I know shocker right? Well he was a few hundred a month and with the little money I had left- well that had already been spent on speakers, so pool guy was a no-go. With the 4th just days out, my problems were compounding- the wallet was empty and the pool was green. I was gonna have to get creative to pull this one-off.

It was time to ask for help…and of course, to the construction site I took my problem.

That's when I found Steve, the ironworker who knew “all about pools”. It was down to crunch time and I was desperate, canceling the party wasn't an option.

“Easy, just go to Home Depot,” he said. “Pool stores have been screwing the working man for years. All you need is some root killer and bleach.”

And that's what I did. Tube of root killer, 5 gallons of bleach, and BAM- water cleared up the next morning. The party was a go.

Hell of a time, one for the record books. Only lasting effect was my dog started peeing neon green like a laser that basically scorched my yard for years to come...

Now it's back to the grind. It's by far the longest short week of the year so here are some webgems to help finish it out. Jobsite sauna had me spitting out my coffee…what's your favorite?


You’ll be seeing more of these guys soon...

Banger of the Week